(In case you missed) Unshackled #38: H-1B program revamp, O-1A masterclass, & free webinar.


Happy Friday. ✨

Soundarya here, from Unshackled. :)

Community update: In the past three months, thanks to amazing ideas from folks in the immigrant network, we added a ton of features to the Unshackled community: masterclasses, grants database, awards database, experts who offer free consults, & more that's coming. We want to keep doing a lot more of this by hiring people who can help our members. On this, I wanted you to be the first person to know that we'll be increasing the annual membership price from $499 to $599 by October 15th. If you were thinking of joining anyway, I hope you do it by then.

Before we jump in, I want to thank our sponsors MobSquad and 80,000 Hours who made this newsletter free for all. And, I'm delighted to welcome 56 new subscribers to our newsletter since last week. Welcome, welcome! 🙏

You're receiving this email as part of the Unshackled weekly newsletter. Immigration is a complex world. So every Wednesday, I try to simplify that by sharing top stories and relevant resources that matter to you. I also sprinkle it with updates on what's happening with the Unshackled online community. If you find value in reading it, forward this to a lucky friend. If this was forwarded to you, get your own here! Read all the past editions here. 💃

This week's TL;DR

📌 UNfold: Top stories

Potential Changes to H-1B Program: USCIS Aims for Flexibility and Oversight

USCIS has submitted a proposal to revamp the H-1B program, titled "Modernizing H-1B Requirements and Oversight and Providing Flexibility in the F-1 Program." Some proposed changes include updates to the employer-employee relationship, site visit guidelines, and addressing "cap-gap" issues. Specific details will be available after the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review and public feedback. We'll keep you posted!

Indian Government Suspends Visa Services in Canada: What You Need to Know

On September 21, 2023, the Indian government suspended visa application processing in Canada. They say the suspension is due to "operational reasons" and remains in effect until further notice. Although new visas are not being issued, Canadians in India with valid visas can still stay, and some may be eligible for extensions as well. (In case you haven't been following the news, check this article to understand the India-Canada strife).

Indian Americans Surpass Chinese as Largest Asian Group in the U.S.

A recent Census Bureau report shows that Indian Americans have become the largest Asian-alone group in the United States, surpassing Chinese Americans. Approximately 4.4 million individuals identified as "Indian-alone" in the 2020 census, marking a 55% growth in a decade. The influx is attributed to the tech boom and the H-1B visa program in the 1990s. This demographic shift is significant for both political and cultural reasons.

🎁 UNlock: Relevant resources

Masterclass on Getting O-1A Through Agent Route [6th Oct 2023, 6:30 PM PST]

Do you want to work for more than one employer on your O-1A? Freelance on multiple projects? It's possible, really. Hitesh Kenjale -- who is a member of the Unshackled community -- recently got his O-1A approved via the Agent route as the founder of an Indian startup. Come learn as he demystifies the process to find an Agent & gain more creative control! (This masterclass is being conducted as part of the Unshackled online community.)

AMA with Darren Lum: Getting PR In Canada, Global Talent Stream vs. H-1B, & Syndesus

I interviewed Darren Lum, a strategic partnerships lead at Syndesus. Syndesus is a Canadian startup that works with U.S. employers to help relocate immigrants from America to Canada while retaining their job, title, and salary. In the AMA, he talks about everything from what the process to get a PR looks like to why Canada's global talent stream is better than the H-1B. Enjoy! (This AMA was conducted as part of the Unshackled online community.)

[Free Webinar] H-1B and Mastering Its Nuances [27th Sep 2023, 01:00 PM]

Discover how to maximize your teams' H-1B status by leveraging the remainder option, recapturing unused time, preserving time via H-4 EAD, navigating the grace period, and effectively managing leaves of absence.

🪄 UNveil: This week’s sponsor

  • Were you among the 75% who got unlucky in the H-1B lottery? Enter MobSquad, your plan B. This Canadian company can help relocate within 4-6 weeks. Best part? You get to continue working with your current company, nearshore from Canada. Say goodbye to US work visa issues... forever. Book a free 1:1 call with the team!

👉 Want to put yourself in front of 8000+ high-skilled immigrants? Just hit reply to start a conversation.

🥳 UNshackled: What's happening in the community?

We hosted our very first masterclass within the Unshackled community last week with an EB-1A recipient! Of the 90 people who signed up (from both inside + outside the community), 80 showed up.

Yep, really.

Given the interest in these focused topics, we're planning to host a series of masterclasses in October. ;)

Besides the above, here's what brewin' in the community:

  • Upcoming masterclass with O-1A recipient: Hitesh Kenjale is hosting a session next week on how to get an Agent to file your O-1A. This is free for members -- but you can also join by paying $25.
  • "How do I get a Lean 6 Sigma certification?" The past week, there's been a ton of such specific questions asked & answered by community members.
  • [Coming soon] Case Study Library: Imagine if there was a library filled with case studies of past O-1/EB-1 recipients, sharing exactly how they got to the finish line. Coming soon.
  • [Coming soon] O-1A self-assessment tool: I'm collaborating with the Schmidt Futures organization to build a tool that will give you a personalized roadmap for your O-1 journey.
  • Also, we're just 4 members away from hitting the magical 250!

Whenever you're ready to join the community, use this private link that lets you join for $399 (20% off). Once you join, get access to top lawyers, O-1/EB-1 mentors, weekly events, & a growing resource hub. This price will increase to $499 by October 15th.

Until next week, stay wonderful.

Yours truly,

Soundarya 💚

💡 None of the information shared in this newsletter is meant to be legal advice. If you're looking for legal advice, speak to a lawyer, or hit reply and let me know so I can connect you with one.

💫 UNcover: Picks from the internet

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Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday! ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club & co-founder of greencard.inc. :) Exciting update: We're hosting a monthly series of in-person meetups starting in February. Join us for the founders & entrepreneurs meetup in the Bay Area on February 28th at 6:00 PM PST. This event is hosted by RK, founder of Greencard Inc and EB-1A and O-1A visa holder. Light refreshments will be served, and spots are limited—don’t miss out! RSVP now for Bay...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday! ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club & co-founder of greencard.inc. :) Conference update: We've changed the date of the Unshackled Annual Conference to August 8-9, 2025. This will be the largest conference ever hosted for high-skilled immigrants like you, bringing together 2000+ tech leaders, founders, investors, and policymakers. (We'll also have a stand-up comedian 😉) If you haven't yet, join the waitlist to be the first to...

Hi [FORMATTED_FIRST_NAME GOES HERE], Happy Wednesday! ✨ Soundarya here, founder of unshackled.club & co-founder of greencard.inc. :) Conference update: We've changed the date of the Unshackled Annual Conference to August 8-9, 2025. This will be the largest conference ever hosted for high-skilled immigrants like you, bringing together 2000+ tech leaders, founders, investors, and policymakers. (We'll also have a stand-up comedian 😉) If you haven't yet, join the waitlist to be the first to...